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Revision Rhinoplasty

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Revision rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure for individuals who seek improvements or corrections following a previous nose surgery. Dr. Kuldeep Singh offers this procedure to address issues like aesthetic dissatisfaction, functional concerns, or complications that may have arisen from prior nasal surgeries. Even if your concerns arise due to the botched results of another surgeon’s work, Dr. Singh can work with you to restore optimal results.

Refine or Correct
Your Nose Job Outcome

Revision rhinoplasty, often called secondary rhinoplasty, is a surgical procedure aimed at refining or correcting the results of a previous nose surgery. It is typically sought by individuals dissatisfied with the outcome of their initial rhinoplasty or those facing functional issues resulting from their previous procedure. It’s a specialized surgical technique that requires the expertise of a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Singh.

Precision and Harmony

A revision rhinoplasty may involve altering the shape, size, or structure of the nose, addressing breathing difficulties, or correcting any aesthetic imperfections left from prior surgeries. While the primary goal is to achieve a more satisfying and harmonious result, revision rhinoplasty can be a complex procedure, as it often requires working with existing scar tissue and anatomy, making it crucial to choose a surgeon with a deep understanding of nasal anatomy.

Your Revision Rhinoplasty Experience


During your consultation, you’ll have a comprehensive discussion with Dr. Kuldeep Singh. He will assess your concerns, evaluate your previous surgery, and determine your desired outcomes. Expect a thorough examination of your nasal anatomy, including any functional issues. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss your expectations. Together, you and Dr. Singh will create a treatment plan tailored to address your unique needs.


Your surgery begins with carefully hidden incisions made inside your nostrils or along the base of your nose to access the nasal structures. Dr. Singh may refine or reposition cartilage and bone as needed to enhance your nasal shape. In some cases, ear cartilage may be used to build up an overly reduced nasal tip or structure. Once the adjustments are made, the incisions are closed and a splint or dressing is applied to support the nasal shape.


After your surgery, you can expect some swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort around your nose and eyes. These side effects usually subside within a week or two. The full recovery spans several weeks to months. During this time, it’s crucial to follow Dr. Singh’s aftercare guidelines, such as avoiding strenuous activities, refraining from wearing glasses, and protecting your nose from accidental trauma. The final results may take up to a year to fully manifest.

Reasons to Consider Revision Rhinoplasty:

  • Dissatisfaction with the results of a previous rhinoplasty
  • Irregularities in the nasal shape or symmetry
  • Nasal asymmetry or deformities after the first surgery
  • Functional issues such as breathing difficulties
  • Unwanted post-surgery changes in the nasal tip
  • Persistence of aesthetic imperfections or asymmetry
  • Unwanted changes in nasal appearance over time
  • Trauma or injuries affecting nasal structure
  • Complications or adverse outcomes from prior surgeries
  • Desire for further refinements or enhancements
  • Correcting over-reduction or under-reduction of nasal structures
  • Addressing residual scarring from prior rhinoplasty
  • To achieve a more balanced and harmonious facial appearance
  • Improve self-confidence and overall satisfaction with nasal appearance

Revision Rhinoplasty FAQs

Who is a suitable candidate for revision rhinoplasty?

Candidates for revision rhinoplasty are individuals who are dissatisfied with the results of their previous nose surgery, whether due to aesthetic concerns or functional issues. They should be in good overall health and have realistic expectations about what can be achieved. Dr. Singh will perform a thorough evaluation to determine your candidacy.

Are the results of revision rhinoplasty permanent?

The results of revision rhinoplasty can be long-lasting, but they are not entirely immune to the effects of aging and other factors. Over time, subtle changes may occur, but most of the improvements achieved should be permanent.

Will there be visible scars after revision rhinoplasty?

In most cases, incisions for revision rhinoplasty are made internally (inside the nostrils) or along the base of the nose, resulting in minimal to no visible scarring. Dr. Singh ensures minimal external scarring and offers detailed scar management guidelines. Over time, scars tend to fade and become nearly imperceptible.

How long should I wait before considering revision rhinoplasty after my initial nose surgery?

It is generally recommended to wait at least one year after your primary rhinoplasty before considering revision. This allows sufficient time for the initial healing process and swelling to subside, making it easier for the surgeon to assess the underlying issues and plan an effective revision. It can take some time for the final results to emerge, so patience is key.

Dr. Kuldeep Singh

Consult Dr. Kuldeep Singh to embark on a journey toward achieving your aesthetic and functional goals. With six years of plastic surgery fellowship at the prestigious Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Dr. Singh has a keen eye for aesthetic details and the surgical expertise to ensure precision. We are committed to making your experience meaningful and empowering. Schedule a consultation to discover the possibilities and begin your path to self-improvement.

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